You won't want to miss this! Caritas Chorale, under the artistic direction of Maestro Dick Brown, and "The Frogs of the North" Cajun zydeco band, under the artistic direction of founder and button-accordionist Bruce Alkire, will come together "in concert" on Sunday, September 9, 2012, to bring you an unforgettable evening of Cajun cuisine, Soungs of the South, and listenin' and dancin' music to keep you entertained and on your feet.
"A Bayou Bash" will provide an evening of Louisiana hospitality as Caritas Chorale orchestrates it's annual fall benefit event featuring a buffet dinner and lively entertainment.
"Important Information": Date: Sunday, September 9, 2012. Time: 5:30 PM. Location: The Sawtooth Botannical Gardens. Ticket Information/Reservations: Call Ann Taylor 726-5402 or annstaylor@cox.net. $150.00 per person ($100 is tax deductible).
"The Frogs of the North" are Idaho's very own traditional Cajun zydeco band and were formed in 2001. Members of the band are: Bruce Alkire, founder and button accordionist. Bruce also plays fiddle, guitar, bass and drums. Other members are: Bobby Josephson on drums; Jason Griesa on bass; Matt Hartz on guitar (Matt has won multiple Grand Championship fiddle competitions) and the newest and only female member of the group, Kayleigh Jack on fiddle. The Frogs perform very listenable AND danceable music including waltzes, two-step, blues, etc., and guarantee to keep you dancing all evening. You may downlload their music at www.frogsofthenorth.com.
To further enhance the event, Judith McQueen will be catering a Cajun dinner that will start with hors d'oeuvres such as crayfish and Gumbo Ya Ya (chicken and Andouille sausage in black sake cups). The main menu is for the most part a secret, but will include your choice of blackened catfish or breast of chicken tarragon, AND Dr. Tom Crais' famous "Beans & Rice".
Decorations will be provided by Janet Dunbar & Committee.
Oh yes, the members of Caritas Chorale will be singing a medley of some old favorite-feel mellow tunes to get you in the mood for The Frogs.
This benefit event will raise funds for the on-going free concerts that Caritas Chorale brings to the community throughout the year, and in particular, to fund The Nez Perce Project. The next performance of "Nez Perce: Promises" is planned for Boise and we are in the process of budgeting that event. To help fund, if you wish, there are some options: 1) CD's of the "Nez Perce: Promises" concert will be available at this event. In addition, anyone who wishes to underwrite a portion of the event is invited to do so. Please contact Dick Brown, bndbrown@gmail.com
We have said this before and wish to say it again: "Thank You" to the community for supporting Caritas Chorale over the years, and allowing us to do what we love by bringing you a variety of music in the form of free community concerts. We are grateful for any and all support, and mostly for your participation and attendance at our events.
We'll see you on Sunday, Sept. 9th, 5:30 at The Sawtooth Botannical Gardens! Be happy, bring your appetite, and wear your dancin' shoes.